The EURO-CHOLANGIO-NET Cost Action CA18122, the European Cholangiocarcinoma Network (ENSCCA) and The International Cholangiocarcinoma Research Network (ICRN) join forces to support the career development of junior scientists in the field of liver diseases.
They are proud to announce the second lecture entitled:
planned for:
DECEMBER 6th 2021 at 3.30 pm CET – 9.30 am EST
Our guest speaker will be JESUS BANALES, in conversation with Pilar Acedo (EURO-CHOLANGIO-NET Mentee 2020-2021).
Click here to register to the lecture.
About the speaker
Jesus M Banales is Professor of Molecular Biology and Head of the Liver Diseases Group at the Biodonostia Health Research Institute – Donostia Univ. Hospital in San Sebastian (Spain). His multidisciplinary group is chiefly focused on studying the molecular mechanisms involved in liver pathobiology, with special attention to cholangiocarcinoma, and looking for novel diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. He is also Prof. Sciences at the Univ. Navarra (Spain), and Assistant Prof. Medicine/Sciences at Mayo Clinic (Rochester, MN, US) and Univ. Area Andina (Colombia). Professor Banales is author in >170 research articles published in referent international Journals, including 46 in cholangiocarcinoma, has obtained >40 research projects as PI funded by National and International Institutions (including EU Horizon 2020), is inventor of 5 patents (3 licentiated), and is Member of the Editorial Board of Hepatology, Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Liver Transplantation, Seminars in Liver Diseases, Cells, and Special Section Editor of Journal of Hepatology. He coordinates numerous research network including our COST Action EURO-CHOLANGIO-NET and the European Network for the Study of Cholangiocarcinoma (ENS-CCA).