The main objective of this WG will be to establish radiologic/histomorphological correlations in the first phase and radiologic and genomic correlations (radiogenomic) in the second phase. Digital files of patient imaging examinations performed routinely and not for the purposes of this Action will be collected on a secured web platform in an anonymous manner by participants from each clinical centre (imaging biobank). This registry will be composed of data provided by the participants concerning general and clinical information and specific analytical data derived by imaging examinations. Paired biologic samples from a growing number (>300) of CCA patients from several European countries are routinely collected. Biobanks will be ready available to test diagnostic biomarkers on tissue and biologic samples (cells, liver biopsy, serum, plasma, saliva, urine and stool).
Tasks & Activities
- To carry out the analysis of CCA imaging data and correlations with data from the histomorphology, genomic and clinical-epidemiology registries.
- To establish the best imaging modality to detect early changes in the wall of the bile ducts.
- To explore new imaging biomarkers (i.e., texture analysis; diffusion-weighted imaging; perfusion analysis) to differentiate patients with benign structures versus patients with CCA.
- To correlate imaging biomarkers with histological subtypes, genomic profile (radiogenenomic analysis) or clinical presentation (e.g. CCA on primary sclerosing cholangitis versus CCA on cirrhosis/fibrosis).
- To determine new early biochemical tumour markers for screening, diagnosis and CCA prognosis.

Prof. Rocío Macias
University of Salamanca

Dr. Marcin Krawczyk
Medical University of Warsaw