Cholangiocarcinomas (CCAs) are an heterogeneous group of cancers of the biliary tree. CCA is considered one of the deadliest cancers and its incidence is increasing constantly and dramatically in Europe. Notably, CCA is the most frequent cause of cancer metastases of unknow origin, suggesting underestimation of the CCA problem. CCA heterogeneity has limited the discovery of biomarkers and novel therapeutic options, hampering the development of tools for early diagnosis and effective treatment. CCA constitutes a major challenge for researchers, clinicians, national health systems and society. Still, coordinated multidisciplinary pan-European studies are lacking. As such, the EURO-CHOLANGIO-NET (European Cholangiocarcinoma Network) aims to set up a pan-European-wide interdisciplinary co-operative network of stakeholders, including scientists, clinicians, regulatory authorities, small/medium enterprises (SMEs) and industry partners, to address the CCA problem. Through the creation of shared data registries that inherent main relevant basic or clinic-epidemiologic aspects, conference calls, meetings, workshops, Short-Term Scientific Missions as well as training schools, this Action will coordinate efforts aiming at advancing the understanding of CCA to translate basic research and preclinical findings into clinical practice. For this purpose, this Action is organized into 7 Working Groups (WGs) dealing with interrelated aspects of CCA: Preclinical, In-Depth Histomorphological Phenotyping, Molecular Profiling, Epidemiology, Clinical Characterization and Trials, Early Diagnostic Biomarkers, Development of Novel Therapeutic Targets and Tools, Legislation and Ethics. These WGs are working to construct efficient connections, exchanges and promote capacity-building objectives (i.e. data registries, young researchers’ mobility, meetings, seminars, consensus guidelines and more).
Action Leadership Positions
Support Committees
Early Career Investigator and Gender-Balance Advisory Committee
Patient Association, Scientific Society, and Foundation Advisory Committee
Industrial Advisory Committee
Management Committee
Prof. Michael Trauner
Medical University of Vienna
Dr. Jan Philipp Jonas
Medical University of Vienna
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Dr. Aner Mešić
University of Sarajevo
Dr. Jasminka Prguda-Mujic
Eurofarm Laboratory UNITIC
Dr. Mirjana Stanić Benić
Klinički Bolnički Centar Rijeka (KBCR)
Czech Republic
Dr. Michael Gargulák
University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno
Prof. Rene Kizek
University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno
Dr. Jesper Andersen
University of Copenhagen
Dr. Patricia Munoz-Garrido
Biotech Research and Innovation Center
Dr. Laura Fouassier
Dr. Cedric Coulouarn
Prof. Diego Calvisi
University of Regensburg
Dr. Benjamin Goeppert
Heidelberg University Hospital
Prof. Constantinos Athanassopoulos
University of patras
Dr. Attila Hunyadi
Institute of Pharmacognosy
Dr. Petra Martin
University Hospital Waterford
Prof. Domenico Alvaro
University of Rome Sapienza
Prof. Guido Carpino
University of Rome “Foro Italico”
Prof. Raivis Zalubovskis
Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis
Prof. Juozas Kupčinskas
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
Dr. Pierre Schembri Wismayer
University of Malta
Dr. Bas Groot Koerkamp
Erasmus MC
Dr. Heinz-Josef Klümpen
University of Amsterdam
Dr. Trine Folseraas
Oslo University Hospital
Dr. Marcin Krawczyk
Medical University of Warsaw
Prof. Krzysztof Gutkowski
Medical University of Silesia
Dr. Rui Castro
University of Lisboa
Prof. Cecília Rodrigues
University of Lisboa
Prof. Marcel Tantau
University of Medicine and Pharmacy
Prof. Vasile Drug
University of Medicine and Pharmacy
Dr. Nevena Veljkovic
Institute of Nuclear Sciences Vinca
Dr. Tadeja Rezen
University of Ljubljana
Dr. Jesús Bañales
Biodonostia Health Research Institute
Prof Rocio Macias
University of Salamanca
Dr. Niklas Björkström
Karolinska Institutet
Dr. Martin Cornillet Jeannin
Karolinska Institutet
Prof. Massimo Giuseppe Colombo
EASL International Liver Foundation
Dr. Joachim Mertens
University of Zürich
Prof. Engin Ulukaya
The University of Istinye
Dr. Kursat Serin
Istanbul University
United Kingdom
Dr. Chiara Braconi
University of Glasgow
Dr. Timothy Kendall
University of Edinburgh
Small/Medium Enterprise Representatives
Cristina Alonso (OWL Metabolomics, Spain) and Rubén Rosales Rodríguez (Cytognos SL, Spain)
The Central COST Office in Belgium
Science Officer: Lucia Forzi
Administrative Officer: Nathalie Warenghien